Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog sendiri

I love bl0gging.

N0thing satisfied me m0re other than rambling and whining in my bl0g.

Blog org lain kdg2 t0o much inf0rmati0n - which are g0od th0ugh.

Love to read their's - baby's f0od, wedding stuffs and all that.

But I'll keep mine the way it sh0uld be - caca merba -

I used to own this blog even before I'm attached to s0meb0dy, a single pers0n, a nuansa of my own life. A single w0rd of ME not US or WE.

I used to own this blog even bef0re I bec0me a queen to my husband's life.

And I used to 0wn this bl0g even bef0re I bec0me a m0ther to a hands0me y0ung s0n.

So I like to keep this bl0g just the way it was bef0re (ab0ut me) with a t0uch of queen bee's and m0therh0od's m0ods. It is ab0ut everything that rev0lves ar0und me.

If I need inf0s, I'll c0me to y0urs ;))

Do n0t expect me to c0ver all s0rts of baby's recipes, baby's inf0, pregnancies tips, wedding thingy or anything that only focus on 0ne t0pic. You are n0t g0ing to find it here :)

1 comment:

Liyana said...

samalahhhh!!!kadang2 org expect blog kita nak byk info..cth mcm nanie sbg ibu kan?hehehe...but itulah namanya blog sendirik "suka hati aku lah nak tulis apa...nak baca silakan,kalo takmo tekan butang X" okay?huhuhuhu....