Thursday, December 23, 2010

what i've read...

Hari ni dan untuk minggu2 yang mendatang menandakan masuknya minggu baru pregnancy aku.

So, this very day, my baby-bum dah masuk 9weeks! Owh, cepatnya masa berlalu. First aku dapat tau aku preggy tu pon masa tu baru masuk 5weeks, on thursday jugak. And appointment bukak buku merah pon the very next week nye tu on Friday. La ni dah masuk 9minggu pon... pejam celik-pejam celik, 4minggu yang berlalu ni, mcm2 yang aku da rasa.

And from what I've read:

They said in Week 7 (mostly sampai habis 1st trimester)

Jantung bayi dah mula membentuk. 'Morning-sickness' dan beberapa side-effect untuk 1st trimester yang lain akan terjadi.

So, what are the side-effects of pregnancy that I have experience so far? It's those colored in red!

* exhaustion (weariness common from first weeks) -penat je sekarang ni-
* altered appetite and senses of taste and smell -hoyehhh...i can't eat Malay food dari nasi sampaila ke lauk2nya, even nak menggoreng ikan pon tak lalu ngan bau minyak.hmmm...
* nausea and vomiting (50% of women, first trimester) -alhamdulillah yang ni takde-
* heartburn and indigestion
* constipation -yep, sejak minum susu ibu mengandung ni, dapat poo-poo sekali dalam masa 2hari. Kalo tak, tiap2 hari memang melabur-
* weight gain
* dizziness and light-headedness -ni salu gak tapi alhamdulillah tak teruk-
* bloating, swelling, fluid retention -hah, bloating tu sgttt!!! kadang2 minum air suam sket dah bloating tau sampai rasa nak termuntah!-
* hemmorhoids
* abdominal cramps
* vaginal discharge -memang ada sket2 and tiap2 hari kena pakai pantyliner kalo nak sentiasa selesa-
* yeast infections
* congested, bloody nose
* acne and mild skin disorders -kulit kering saje, tetibe eyhhh-
* skin discoloration (chloasma, face and abdomen)
* mild to severe backache and strain
* increased headaches
* difficulty sleeping, and discomfort while sleeping -awal2 dulu ye masa baru 5-6minggu preggy, skrg alhamdulillah dah ok-
* increased urination and incontinence -awal2 masa dapat tau tu memang, skrg ni agak back to normal tapi tak berapa nak normal sangat-
* bleeding gums -ha'ah, memang-
* breast pain and discharge
* swelling of joints, leg cramps, joint pain
* difficulty sitting, standing in later pregnancy
* inability to take regular medications
* shortness of breath
* higher blood pressure -alhamdulillah tak. setakat ni bp normal berbanding sebelum preggy. mcmana tu?-
* hair loss
* tendency to anemia
* varicose veins

p/s: Hurmmm...banyak gak tapi yang paling lega and syukur, sebab aku tak muntah2 macam other pregnant ladies. Lega sangat. They said, kalo dah start muntah2 badan pon penat. Ni aku yang tak kena macam tu pon salu je penat. Pagi2 nak bangun dari katil pon sangat malas sebab badan penat :(

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