Saturday, March 26, 2011


hello peeps!

Well, i'm feeling good today. Am still trying to absorb the news but i guess i won't let my walls down. Whatever the situation will be later on, we'll figure it out sooner or later.

X berbaloi nk sedih2 since d transfer-thingy mmg dh final n xbleh nk tukar2. Better than encik hubby's transfering to the ship kan? Kalo kena transfer ke kapal, alamatnye lg xjmpa dia bminggu2. Silap2 ms aku bsalin, encik hubby lgsg xbleh trun ke darat. Moga dijauhkan. Amin..

So, for now i am thanking god for what has He given us. Syukur alhamdulillah encik hubby hy transfer pgkalan n x transfer ke kapal.

Semuanya ada hikmah tsembunyi cume aku je yg blum sedari lg.

P/s: a fresh start, maybe? :)

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