Thursday, June 11, 2009

stay left, please lah!

LiyanaRoxx once ranting about female driver who happened to drive SLOOOOWWWLY in front of her. That was weeks ago. And today was my day where male drivers are incredibly sucking on which-way-am-i-going thing.

Argh!!! I happened to come across these two cars; the blue Proton Saga and the silver Mercedez Benz CLK, apparently driven by mentally-perfect man (I think). Stay left, if you're going to turn left, man! And it's the other way round too. It was like these people didn't know which's which.

Me, on the other hand, are on my right lane (I mean, I was at laluan yang betul. Bukan laluan sebelah kanan) because I knew that I will make my left turning just after the corner. Both of that car was on my right and then they change their mind and went left instead, abruptly! Thank god they didn't hit-and-run my car. Here was the time where I should pressing my honk furiously. But, I didn't honked because I knew somehow it was useless. These people will never learn.

While people always blaming female driver who droves recklessly and timidly, there are also male drivers who can't drive according to rules! They think that they're really good in driving whilst cursing other drivers; obviously they are not much difference than any of us.

Hey, learn some more la. Do your driving test again. I think your JPJ officer's been bribed when he tested you!

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